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Traffic congestion
Polluting vehicles
delhi smog
Airline traffic
Cargo transportation


Fast Facts on Transport Emissions

Transport emissions accounted for 28% of total emissions in the US in 2018. The link below from the EPA provides several fast facts about the issue.

The Fastest Growing Source of Emissions

Transport emissions are expected to grow faster than any other category. This article from the World Resources Institute provides a great overview of the issue.

Impact on Climate Change

Transportation emissions are having a direct impact on Climate Change. This study by the Transportation Research Board provides much more details.


Sustainable Urban Design

Urban centers of the future need to be designed to minimize and ease transportation. This case study provides a great example of what is needed.

Autonomous, Electric Ride-Share Vehicles

The combination of autonomous electric vehicles and ride-sharing services can significantly reduce emissions. This article outlines some of the key benefits.

Adoption of Public Transport

Public transport plays an important role in addressing environmental issues. This article outlines the many ways in which public transport has a positive impact.


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